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The Forward Formula

One might be wondering, "Yes, this sounds great, but what will make a third party different?" This is the right question to ask, and we will begin to answer it in earnest. While we cannot speak for other parties, the North Carolina Forward Party will employ an innovative, data-driven methodology to democratize the collaboration and integration of issues and solutions into our policy initiatives. This approach cultivates consensus and compromise as a governing principle to democratically serve the general will of the people. We call this data-driven approach the Forward Formula.

The Forward Formula is a process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting polling data from members to establish policy guardrails that help candidates identify policy solutions to issues representing a consensus. Rooted in an interdisciplinary mix of philosophy, politics, and science, the Forward Formula is an innovative approach that addresses partisan extremism, cultivates a consensus-based approach to policymaking, and welcomes viewpoint diversity across the political spectrum.

For a deep dive into the ideas behind the Forward Formula, click HERE to read the Forwardist Paper “The Forward Formula.”


Policy consensus is the process of generating a unified perspective on policy issues through the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, enabling the identification of problems and the development of practical solutions...
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