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Josh Peters

North Carolina Forward Party - Committee Member

Josh_Peters.pngJosh is a resident of Cary but lived in Raleigh for most of his life. He is a blend of his father's Midwestern values and his mother's Southern hospitality. Josh received a bachelor's degree from North Carolina State University, where he studied the philosophy of science and mathematical finance. Josh also holds a master's degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he studied data science.

Currently, he works in RTP as a data scientist, performing statistical modeling on structured and unstructured data and leading digital transformation in systems. Josh is also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and was invited to join Phi Sigma Tau, an international honor society for philosophers.

Politically, Josh identifies as a progressive. He is an E.A. Morris Emerging Leaders fellow and an N.C. Institute of Political Leadership fellow. From 2020 to 2021, Josh served as the vice-chair for the Wake County Young Republicans, where he advocated for free speech, science literacy, and data-driven policies.

Josh joined the Forward Party because he believes the political system should be reformed for progress to continue. From an ideological perspective, the far-left and the far-right manipulate the current political system to force their dogmatic views onto everyone else through outright violence in some cases or through subversive language games in others. Josh wants society to move away from this postmodern condition and sees the Forward Party as a vehicle to advance pluralism, reason, and understanding back into society again.