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The Seats of Power

The term seat of power has many origins. In Rome, the Sella Curulis was a special type of chair used by magistrates and sitting in these chairs was a symbol of the magistrate's authority. The word cathedral translates from Latin as the Cardinals seat. The “throne” is the literal seat a Monarch sits upon. Even in the Chinese art of Feng Shue the “Dragon Seat” is in the part of a room where the most power exists. The two photos shown here are of the chairs in my County Meeting room. It is clear what seats the People sit in and what seats the County Commissioners sit in.

In 1789, as the first United States Senate entered session, there was a general atmosphere of confusion. One question seems odd to us today but at that time and in that place, it was a serious unanswered question. How would everyone behave at the inauguration of George Washington? Senator Richard Henry Lee of Virginia stated that when the King of England addressed Parlement, the House of Lords seated, and the House of Commons standing. Senator Ralph Izard of South Carolina then responded that the House of Commons stood because no seats were available for them to sit on. The fact that this was discussed at great length says a lot about the seats of power.

Today when walking down the center isle of the Congressional chambers towards the podium the Republicans are seated on the Right and the Democrats seated on the Left. Independents can choose for themselves what side of the isle to sit on. Once in the 1950s A senator left a party and he moved his seat to the middle of the isle to demonstrate that he was independent.

Let us dig a little bit deeper into what side an independent or a third-party candidate chooses to sit on. Concerned citizens know the real work of drafting legislation takes place in Committee. Work dictated by rules established by the two main parties all Committee assignments come from either the Republican or Democratic Caucus. The United States Constitution does not state that Independents must sit on one side or the other. It does not require them to get assignments from the side they choose to sit with, but those are the rules. We the People can vote for independent or third-party representation, but the rules committee makes rules that eliminate independence. Each member of Congress becomes dependent on one party or the other no matter the intent of the voters.

Was it the intention of the Framers of the Constitution to force all elected Representation onto one side of the aisle or the other? No, it most certainly was not. We were supposed to select the representation that best suits us and our interests. It has become clear that a huge swath of Americans has no choice but this system’s rules. Rules are contrary to the intent of the Framers. Our current system divides voters purposefully because of rules imposed by both parties. Nothing will change until we have enough independent and third-party members of Congress to force a change in the seating chart.

Let us put this in the perspective of the Senate just because math is easier. As I am writing this in the early morning hours of election day 2024. It is plausible that we will have a 50%/50% Senate. Now imagine if over the next 4 years enough support shifts to Moderate third parties such as the Forward Party. If moderates can capture just seventeen seats from both the Republicans and the Democrats, then moderate center parties and independents would hold a 34-seat majority in the Senate. If thirty-four independent and third-party Senators caucused together, they could force rule changes. The two-party monopoly on committee seat assignments could be history. 

Over the next 4 years, Americans need to set aside our differences and focus on changing the seating chart in Congress. We will not be free to seek the representation we are entitled to unless we do this one simple thing.

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  • Scott Hatch
    published this page in Blogs 2025-01-13 18:32:54 -0500