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Volunteer With Forward

We’re excited to have you join us in this monumental effort to establish the foundations of our state party! 

Becoming a successful political party will require a wide variety of skills and talents. We are all volunteers. Whether you have an hour to spare once a month or an hour a day, putting all of those together is what will move us Forward! 

There are a number of meaningful ways you can get involved:

  • Help us gather signatures to get ballot access. You can help organize events, join canvassing events happening in your area or even just gather signatures from your family, friends and community.
  • Join one of the working groups helping to build a strong and durable organization. More details on the working groups is below.
  • Take on a leadership role. There are many new and exciting things that we want to do that require strong organizational and leadership skills to put it together. For example, we want to have a County Lead for every county in North Carolina. 

Please fill out your contact info and indicate interests. If you have other ideas you'd like to share, check that box too!

We Need Signatures To Run Forward Party Candidates in 2025 and beyond

We are officially recognized in North Carolina as a political committee. Help us gather the signatures necessary to get candidates for office on the ballot! If you want to canvass for the Forward Party and help collect signatures for out petition make sure to check off the box in the form when signing up.

Too Busy To Canvas? No Problem, You Can Still Help!

All it takes is 5 minutes and the cost of a stamp. Visit the link below to see how minimal effort can have maximum impact! 

Help Us Gather Signatures


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

Working Groups 

  • Candidates & Conventions - Recruit and vet potential candidates and plan party convention
  • Coalitions - Identify and develop relationships with like-minded organizations, leaders and potential future candidates
  • Communications - Build a statewide communications structure (digital, PR, media relationships, etc)
  • Fundraising - Establish and coordinate activities to raise funds for our party activities.
  • Legal - Ensure organization abides by all the legal requirements related to our efforts
  • Organizing - Build and support the grassroots effort to collect the necessary signatures for ballot access; establish county leadership; hold events in local communities
  • Policy - Build the framework for facilitated input on values and policy from local supporters and members of the community
  • Volunteer Onboarding - Introduce prospective volunteers to NC-FWD; set up necessary tools and access; make sure volunteers get plugged into relevant working groups

Will you volunteer?