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Patrick Newton

North Carolina Forward Party - Sitting Chair



Patrick, his wife, and their 2 children live in Raleigh, NC after moving from New Jersey in 2007.  As the Vice-Chair and Director of Candidate Recruitment and Development of the NC Forward Party, he hopes to serve the citizens of NC by growing the Forward Party and offering new political candidates and solutions to the challenges facing our state.

As an entrepreneur who has found success in a variety of industries over the years, Patrick prides himself on bringing the strengths of many together to form creative, collaborative solutions. He stays actively engaged with many of our elected officials and enjoys finding areas of agreement with many organizations across North Carolina.

Patrick also has considerable experience helping many non-profit organizations. His passion has led him to contribute to solutions for many of the disenfranchised in our society including the Developmentally Disabled, Veterans, and the Homeless. He is also the co-host of ‘The Pat & Chet Show’ which is a podcast that challenges citizens to become more informed, and more active, in their political system.

In his role as Director of Candidate Recruitment and Development for the North Carolina Forward Party, Patrick is constantly striving to build relationships with elected officials who understand the majority of voters in North Carolina have chosen to be ‘unaffiliated’ rather than be associated with the Republicans or the Democrats.

After receiving a degree in Political Science from Quincy University, he was active in many local, state and national elections. Patrick worked in Washington, D.C. for Congressman Dean Gallo as a legislative aide, and has seen first hand how the political system in America works, or more accurately, doesn’t work.

If you, or community leaders in your area, are interested in learning more about running for office, or becoming affiliated with the Forward Party (i.e. “Forward-Republican, Forward-Democrat”) please reach out to Patrick to learn more.


[email protected]
